OWASP Mantra
OWASP Mantra was first launched in ClubHACK 2010. At one point in time, we made it to official repositories of two major pen-testing distributions - BackTrack and Matriux. There were thrilling moments when we go to conferences and people say 'we love OWASP Mantra'. Sometimes, we will be watching a PoC video or tutorial and there we spot Mantra and that used to take us to heavens. We would like to say thanks to all of you for using Mantra, for spreading the word, for all the support and motivation you gave us.
All good thing comes to an end. OWASP Mantra will no longer be actively developed or updated.As a good-bye gift, we are in the process of putting together a document that would outline 'how you can build your own Mantra'. It would be a step-by-step document for making a browser-for-penetration-testing.
We have something better. Now you can perform a good level web application security tests from any of the popular browsers. No need for add-ons. Please check out our guide 'web app security testing with browsers'.
~ OWASP Mantra Team